Daemo Breakers

Alicon Breaker

The state-of-the-art technology of Alicon Breaker, able to control impact power and BPM suitable for working condition as equipped with a stroke selector on the right of cylinder(B50-B180) and valve case(B210~B450).The newly born alicon Series has innovated with technology, is lighter, stronger, and more powerful than ever. By enlarging the diameter of the T/Bolt the alicon series has Improved its durability. Improved possible fail points of the port (areas where bolts break and oil leaks) by changing the In / Out Port starting from B250 to B450. Changed the Box Housing to Bending design housing for more durability. Advanced Functions : ABF (Anti Blank Firing) System, TPC (Total Power Control) system, Internal Relief Valve, BPM adjust Valve, Provision Hole for under water works and Auto Grease System. Diversified in 17 products lines to fit to any work conditions. Redesigning of the chisel pin has improved the durability. Applied more powerful breaking ability by enlarging the chisel’s diameter. Increased the life of the equipment (Chisel Pins, T/Bolts, F/Heads, etc.) by applying the ABF (Anti Blank Firing) System.